Helsinki is now more exciting than it has been in decades. "Travel Helsinki" helps travelers explore the services of our capital city. Many travelers especially seek information in the "Travel Helsinki" guide about where suitable services are available to them. Shops, restaurants, exhibitions, and all interesting and enjoyable activities are of interest. The booklet paper "Travel Helsinki" guide helps its readers from all walks of life to grasp the environment and distances of Helsinki city.
This well-executed guide also lists the key public services and an orientation map that are of interest to travelers from all walks of life. The "Travel Helsinki" provided in both English and Finnish is already in the hands of travelers before they even learn about the roaming rates on their smartphones. The guide's 2024 Edition will be released on June 31th. The popular guide will again be distributed in 35,000 copies at over 150 distribution points in key locations in the capital city.
"Travel Helsinki" is your direct channel to a purchasing and open-minded travelers of all walks of life.
Regardless of your industry or the size of your company, you can benefit greatly by advertising your products or company in the "Travel Helsinki" guide. Whether your target audience is entirely domestic or the size of the entire traveling world, the guide is an effective communication and advertising channel for you. The guide has been built to optimize the desires and needs of travelers from all walks of life. With the guide, it's easy to explore and fall in love with Helsinki's diverse range of services - including yours!
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